Our very first lunch in Venice was very nerve-racking. We were in Venice, somewhere, but we didn’t know where we were.
At each lunch during the week we each received 10 euro to use to buy food or drinks. We had about an hour with our partner to walk around and find a nice place to eat and maybe buy gelato.
The first time, I (Ludivine) was with Adele, first we tried to find a cheap restaurant to eat so that we could also afford a GELATO. The lunches are surprisingly cheap; for example, one sandwich could cost two euros. The best part about having lunch like that, at least for me, is that you have a little freedom and you can just talk as much as you want. When I (Eleonora) came to Venice I was expecting there to be no freedom; I was expecting that we would all have to sit down at a table together for lunch and dinner. But it was more fun than that, you had boundaries but that's it, we could eat what we wanted, with who we wanted, and if we didn’t want to we didn’t have to. But don’t worry, looking around museums built up an appetite for us and we did eat!
Ludivine Hakim and Eleonora Poulmenti